Saturday 29 September 2012

Work around the cabin

At the end of June I managed to get back to the trapline for a little bridge building. This time I was much better prepared, I not only had an Alaskan Sawmill with me, I had my good friend Pierre along as well. Pierre needed another load of wood and the trade, (which I won again), was on.

The first thing we did was cut the grass down around the cabin. It had grown to about two-feet tall and would be a haven for mice if it wasn't take care of. The last thing I wanted was to deal with a mouse problem inside the cabin. So far so good. With that done, we set about burning a pile of trash out behind the cabin. It had been raining quite frequently so it was deemed a good time to burn it.

Pierre watching over the burning. He has a piece of plywood over
his head to keep him dry. It started to rain half way through.
Next up we fell a few dead trees around the cabin and bucked them up for firewood. One of the tree stumps we turned into the main chopping block for the yard - it's quite large and works perfectly. We also painted the front door to the cabin.

The tree stump chopping block that works so well.
The newly painted front door.
One night while sitting around the campfire after a hard day of work, a mink suddenly appeared on the far shore of the creek. It looked our way and then dove into the water and headed downstream around the corner. I grabbed my camera and we tried to get a photo of it, but all we got was its tracks. I've also had the pleasure of watching moose walk by through the cabin's front window.

The mink tracks in the creekbed beside the cabin. 

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