Friday 28 September 2012

First warm weather trip

In mid-May, I was finally able to make a trip in by quad. My dad would be coming up at the end of May to help me get the trapline ready for the next season. A lot of work needed to be done, however, one thing I didn't count on was the amount of water in the country. This first trip in I had to winch my way and build two bridges before I could even reach my cabin. By myself, it was a lot of work but I managed to get a couple of rudimentary bridges built and eventually got there.

Pulling a trailer full of gear and winching my way in.

Once I winched my way through the hole above, I discovered I had a flat tire. The good thing about a quad is that one flat only limits you, it doesn't stop you. I managed to use the quad when I needed it near the cabin, but other than that I was pretty much grounded.

Doesn't look too flat, but it is.

The two bridges that I built on the way in. Crude but effective. It was barely wide enough for my quad trailer though.

The first bridge I had to build on the cabin trail.

The second bridge I had to build before I could reach the cabin.

On this trip, I hauled in 59 marten boxes, 42 built brand new. However, because the quad was limited with a flat tire, I had to leave them all by my parking spot and haul them in at a later date. I also brought in all my traps, snares and snare-making supplies. The small boxes on top with the 2-inch hole are weasel boxes.

59 marten boxes and 6 weasel boxes.

An assortment of traps and supplies headed to the trapline.
I was here for four days so I had enough time to clean up inside the cabin, put up my RFMA sign and moose antlers over the cabin entrance, and clean up the yard site. I also managed to do a little exploring around the area. It is beautiful country!

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